
The Diaspora...in full-fledged, flourescent light, and stereo. Or simply, just Jew outta water. Still.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Secular Messiah

So, it was this article on this new opera about Walter Benajamin, that German-Jewish (never .. Jewish-German; hence the problem) Philosopher combined with an early morning walk w/ my cat (weight issues, she has been comfort eating for years and I perpetuate her need for comfort by giving her the food) , and the check out of this neighbor (he was doing the checking I was doing reading and walking). The neighbor, I sense watches Nascar (not that there is anything wrong, well, really wrong with that), cuts his own hair, and bums smokes off of others, which he eventually did. As he stretched and re-stretched his leg (a mating call? is this stretching something new? I was confused), I was slightly hoping he would come over to me and ask me what I was doing so I could tell him,

"Well, I'm walking my overweight kitty so she can re-determine territory, figure out her place or her replace and I am reading an article on a new opera about Walter Benjamin, who though able to see and taste freedom from Nazi Germany in France, was denied and thus committed suicide. They call him in some circles a secular messiah because of his desire, I think to 'save' many from the drowning in a sea of fundamental absoulutism, the threat to art as progress, to art as hope, to art as healer, to art as change. (my somewhat uninformed take on his work).... What are you doing?".

Educator or assimilator? Pioneer or Albatross? Savior or saver? Lonely or alone?

Welcome to my blog, as I attempt to get a little more out of my head/heart, move to DSL perhaps, and deal with the parentheticals, the diversions and hopefully create some art, some dialogue & find some love in the process.


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