
The Diaspora...in full-fledged, flourescent light, and stereo. Or simply, just Jew outta water. Still.

Monday, August 09, 2021

Trippy, A Love Letter

Trippy: A Love Letter Maybe it’s a code, more likely left over, caked in sadness from being left by a parent or having to give up, let go of, give away a being, a soul, a heartbeat, of a a dog actually, who you believed you saved from a life of utter loneliness, and thus if you meet another being in the world A bird A bug A dog A cat It is this responsibility and equal opportunity to do everything possible to make sure that being has the best chance of life. Of living. And so you do. Never ever look away at what is in front of you. This is my love letter to you Trippy, what a remarkable love we have had and I am so sad, devastated really, that it is coming to an end, I thought we would have so many more years together, the last 5 have been magical, calmer, quieter, I think you have been happy, hope so. I think the world gave us COVID so I could spend this last year with you --I had no clue it would be your last. Your last to pounce on catnip leaves Kill mice and put them in your killing field (aka living room table) Play with peacock feathers Play fight with your companion and bestie (YAY!!!), Miss Midnight Sleep beside Miss. Midnight on the couch or chaise. Jump up to wherever I was sitting, you just did that a month ago and then it stopped, Share bacon and ribs with Bruce, a new bestie. Eat Bruce’s tuna before it becomes caked in other accoutrements Head but me again and again and again... Just last week -- doing your back-this-thing-up--so most can just touch/pet you from behind I know it’s your way of easing into love, never front facing, too risky… Things you have taught me… Love really requires patience, because it’s so rare, it requires time and work; get on the ground, same eye-level, try to breathe at the same time, same tempo. Slowly shorten the space between you, even if it takes years and years Make sure that even if you don’t know how to ask, you may want something/need something like shelter, some place to keep you warm, because you are not ready to enter a world with walls and ceilings vs. skys YOu have taught me about entrances, -and that each day is filled with hundreds of them, so make them, exit and re-enter, it will always be new. To survive in this world you need a to make sure you are positioned to see all of it, certain positions allows for that Lower is better than higher; the earth is more comforting than the sky. If you kill something, at least honor it by putting in a place you can revisit time and time again. Even if it’s risky, getting someone to help remove all the burrs from your body will just make you feel better, move better, and sleep, more soundly. You can find a friend, anyplace, anywhere, you just have to be open to them, they may teach you how to live in the word with a little more ease, a little less fear. One thing I have loved the most about you, Trippy, is that --each moment in you life -- was often like a first, --the way you would run into the room each time upon seeing I was here and come to sit with me, first just by my legs and then years later, you jumped up on the couch, thrilled at your accomplishment, your overcoming of a fear or just an unknown. We should live more like you --- how you have loved life, and other beings -- okay cats, except younger male cats (territory issues, I got it),but girl cats, and older male cats-- we should all live the way you do this in world full of possibility and love for the moment in front of you. Everyone - except younger male cats like Wilson or Jasper - is a friend to climb a tree with, explore terrain,lay next to, breathe in unison, same beat, tempo, you just have to let go. What a love/life it has been - you and me--truthfully, one of the most joyous of my life. I will miss you so so much and love you and think of you until the end of my days. Every last breath. Love you. Your person.